Today, we went strawberry picking. I think
genuinely most of us were quite excited the strawberries that get sent to
Singapore are usually quite sour and bland and so we thought that picking them
right here from the source was going to taste even better and sweeter buuuuut
as usual we were wrong!!!!! Our first obstacle was the muddy, slippery and tiny
pathway which we had to conquer in order to reach the so-called green houses.
Everyone kept walked very carefully so as to not fall. Unfortunately, Samuel
fell twice and got mud all over his jeans and coat and Nazhifah was screaming
all the way!!! When we finally reached the greenhouse, we were given a plastic
bag to keep the strawberries that we collected. We then started plucking the
strawberries. According to my knowledge on strawberries, the redder they are
the sweeter they are. Therefore, I started plucking the reddest strawberries I saw.
There were some strawberries I saw which had mold on them and some of them were
overripe as they were sticky and some under ripe as they were still of a
greenish-white colour. By the time we finished picking I think most of us were
sweating due to the fact that we technically were in a green house. When we
were about to leave the farm, we realised that we had to pay for the
strawberries to take them home. Some of my friends paid between 5-15 yuan to
take their pack home but we were also told that if we didn’t want to take it
home we could leave our strawberries there with them so when I asked Dr Tan
about this, she asked the person-in-charge if I could leave mine there as I wasn’t
really keen on bringing mine home as I had tried some of the strawberries
earlier, after washing them of course with the water from my bottle, and I was quite
disappointed that they weren’t as sweet as I expected them to be. I have never
tasted a sweet strawberry in my entire life!!! How sad. Now back to the point,
the person-in-charge told me off without asking me to pay. I was so grateful to
him!! But I still had to walk down the dreaded muddy path, though it wasn’t as
muddy as what it was when we first arrived as the mud had dried, it was still muddy
and slippery. Before we boarded the bus, all of us were quite upset that our
shoes and even our jeans had mud on them and we felt really bad as we had to
board the bus back with the muddy shoes which meant that the bus driver would
have an extra clean up job to do. We were then given about half an hour to
clean up ourselves before we headed over to a party hosted by the local
students. I think the first thing everyone did when we got back home was to
rush to the bathroom and clean our shoes. It was a good thing I took the
toothbrush from the hotel back at the Red Cliff as it came in handy today when
we needed to scrub our shoes free of mud. Most of us changed our shoes, some of
us wore slippers but luckily I had an extra pair of shoes to wear. We then headed
to a hall situated in the Sports Hall which is right next to our dormitory
building. The local students put up a performance for us. The first performance
was break dancing. They break dancers had quite good skills, similar to the
break dancers back at home. The next was a game where two groups of four had to
pass water from their own cup to their group mate’s cup but they could only use
their mouths to hold the cups. In the end, the winners got a calligraphy script
which was really nice. The next game was musical chairs and I so happened to
get ‘volunteered’ by my friends to play but it was a good thing as I ended up
winning and I got the calligraphy script as well!! There was then a performance
by the roller skating team of the university and I was quite impressed by their
skills. Though they made some mistakes, their skills were quite impressive.
Then there was a performance by the local flute orchestra and according to
Nazhifah who is an excellent flute player, their flutes were out of tune but at
least they tried their best. Next, the game that was played where a group of
two people had to transport a balloon using a specific body part which does not
include your hands. The first group was Ms Mikia and Mr Le versus Dr Tan and Ms
Chua. They had to transport the balloon using the heads and Ms Mikia and Mr Lee
won and they too won a calligraphy
script along with Wei Seng and Joel, who transported the balloons using their
backs against Asaph and Nicholas. The
final game was where individuals had a group of balloons tied up to their
ankles and they had to burst each other’s balloons by stepping on them. The
person with the most balloons at the end of the game would win and this time
Rachel won first and Nazhifah, second. Then we had a long karaoke session.
First, we sang some Chinese songs and later on we sang some Korean and English
songs. It was quite a fun experience but also a sad day as Ms Mikia is leaving
us!!! It’s so sad as we really bonded with her over this trip and though it was
our first time getting to know her, she’s like a mother to us now and I will
really miss her and hope to see her more often back in Ngee Ann. Although it’s
only goodbye for now, I will still miss you Ms Mikia!!!
The pathway to the farm |
Inside the greenhouse |
The strawberries I picked |
The dreaded slippery and muddy pathway. |
The party room |
Us enjoying our snacks |
Our many snacks!! |
The local students break dancing |
Us playing the water transfering game |
Musical chairs |
Local students playing the flute |
Ms Mikia and Mr Lee |
The calligraphy script that I won in musical chairs |
The locals writing calligraphy on the spot for us |
The leg on the balloon bursting game |
Mr lee and Ms Mikia singing karaoke |
Ms Mikia's last day here in Wuhan!!!! |